Common creatures Medium creatures Animal creatures Large creatures Articles in need of citations Wolf Neutral creatures Summonable creatures Animal companions Mounts Animals CR 1 creatures Cold forest creatures Temperate forest creatures Cold mountain creatures Temperate mountain creatures Level 1 creatures Hidd...
2E1E Common Beast Human Humanoid Werecreature Level +1 Alignment Varies Images of werecreatures Source:Bestiary, pg(s). 328 Type Humanoid (shapechanger) CR +1 Environment Any Alignment Varies Adjective lycanthropic, entothropic Images of werecreatures ...
It's useful when wanting to get a sense of the relative rarity of different properties. For example, let's say you wanted to know common creatures of different sizes are in Pathfinder - example usage: >>> p(unique_leaves_counts["size"]) { "Huge": 348, "Medium": 1471, "Tiny": ...
Unholy creatures Imp Devil Fiend Familiars Lawful evil creatures CR 2 creatures Outsiders Devil subtype creatures Evil subtype creatures Extraplanar subtype creatures Extraplanar environment creatures/Hell Lawful subtype creatures Any environment creatures Devil creatures Level 1 creatures Hidden category: Page...
All proteans are serpentine creatures with arms and an armored snake-like torso. The internal anatomy of a protean is mutable, and all proteans have the ability to change their outward form. Proteans all have the ability to fly, and cannot be held or captured by normal means.3 Scholars...
So long as the creatures HD does not exceed your CL (so anything under 26 HD if you put even a little effort into it) you have complete control. This means getting Planetars and having access to the Cleric list. I can assure you every trick I use is thoroughly RAW. And yes detonatin...
With the Intimidate bonuses the class gets, not even Colossal creatures have much of a shot against this tactic. If you're not immune to fear - you're dead. 1) It's acknowledged that very nearly any class can move up in tier through sufficient optimization. I have a Commoner elephant...
by now a nightmare of infected creatures. PC will have to struggle with the infection, draw strength from it and avoid succumbing to it - this apocalypse is by far the worst in my opinion: In a good way. I love the moral implications, the deadly abilities, the feats that let you draw...
Poisoned creatures can make a Fortitude save each round to negate the damage and end the affliction. Act 1, Defender's Heart (Woljif) Ruse Dart Whenever the wielder of this +2 dart confirms a critical hit with it, the enemy becomes flat-footed for 1 round. Act 2, Crusader's Camp (...
Wikipedia:Arctic fox(real-world animal) Categories: Common creatures Neutral creatures Tiny creatures Animal creatures Fox Familiars Animals CR 1/4 creatures Any environment creatures Level -1 creatures Hidden category: Pages using Tabber parser tag...