Combat Reflexes (Combat) You can make additional attacks of opportunity. Benefit: You may make a number of additional attacks of opportunity per round equal to your Dexterity bonus. With this feat, you may also make attacks of opportunity while flat-footed. Normal: A character without this feat...
12+1 STR 13Blind Fight 15Combat Reflexes 16+1 STR 17Diehard 19Toughness Hunter Half the party is hard locked for this one. You will need a Cleric or anOracle angel main characterfor divine spells (Daerancould also kind of work, but there's too much overlap since Daeran also has Bark...
This has given them the reputation for being lucky, but halflings generally dismiss these claims as resulting from their superior reflexes, cunning, and broad skill base. There are a few halfling individuals, however, who seem to be magnets of bad luck, and they are generally avoided. Instead...
35 Paladin - Improved Cleaving Finish // Combat Reflexes 36 Paladin 37 Paladin - Point-Blank Shot 38 Paladin - Iron Will 39 Paladin - Precise Shot 40 Loremaster Spell Priority Level Spells 1 Magic Weapon, Shield, Mage Armor (Bloodline), Magic Missile, True Strike, Vanish 2 Mirror Image...
But if they run up and try to punch him (i.e. fight back) he can kill two per round. If he has Dex 18 and Combat Reflexes he can kill Six per round, as long as they're not paralyzed and fight back, or try to move. I know what they were going for, but the actual mechanic...
Quick Reflexes, Superstition, Ghost Rager, Witch Hunter, Energy Resistance, Atavism Totem Lesser, Atavism Totem, Atavism Totem Greater, Spirit Totem, Lesser, Spirit Totem, Spirit Totem, Greater, Celestial Totem, Lesser, Celestial Totem, Celestial Totem, Greater, ...
Those who survive their early years face a life of fear and mistrust, their unnatural beauty and 20 Chapter Three: The Heroes of Ravenloft incredible reflexes marking them as scions of the night just as surely as their sensitivity to light. However, their ability to detect ...