Background information on each group discussing its history and goals, as well as on how to incorporate its members into your game as rivals for your PCs to clash against. Several new alchemical items, feats, magic items, poisons, racial traits, and spells, along with a new template for ch...
Background During her years as Kintargo's mayor, Bainilus straddled two roles: a patriotic citizen of Cheliax and the mayor of a city frustrated with the regime governing their nation. She generally enjoyed high approval ratings from her people, who nonetheless disagreed with her stance onHouse...
The traits aren’t super original, but they’re flavoured well (I do need to call out “wayang spellhunter” as I recall it has proven very problematic in play). The nation descriptions are really interesting, readable capsules—good inspirations for players choosing a background for their ...
Granted there are shows like Ronin Warriors which ironically depicts fully armored Ronin/Samurai, but 1) the historical Samurai is already completely possible to create by picking, say, Noble Background on a Fighter, go strength, pick Katana, pick new treasure vault Japanese armor and done. For...
Still it makes it so elves are not just elves, there is some variance in DN Good evening and welcome fellow Children of ChaosYou keep adding traits to that starknife, try and convince me it isn't the dumbest weapon ever made。Anyway, some of the things I like。1) The racial feats, ...
Multitalented: Half-elves choose two favoured classes at first level and gain +1 hit point or +1 skill point whenever they take a level in either one of those classes. The half-elf can also choose one of the following traits: Adaptability: Half-elves receive Skill Focus as a bonus feat...
Character traits to help you get the most out of your character's cultural history, beliefs, and backstory. Glimpses of rare races hardly ever seen in the Inner Sea region!ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-722-2Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:Hero...
More Character Traits specifically designed to enhance and expand a new elf character’s history and background Alchemical archery and new magic arrows, sacred pacts with elven gods, a plethora of magical meals, and the brightness seeker prestige class Pathfinder Companion is an invaluable resource...