Hi, i've just used the ZIP creation tutorial code found on the README and just wanted to tell that it still outputs a notice on the console.log: "path.existsSync is now called `fs.existsSync`." I guess it's: https://github.com/cthackers/...
getting this error for node server.js command ggoodmanadded thequestionlabelMar 16, 2016 Member Hi@stevermeister, I'm afraid I need more context here. The contents of this repo are deprecated and the README refers to multiple independent servers needed to run Plunker. ...
: transformHeaders(subscription.webhook.headers)letquery = subscription.queryif(subscription.query.endsWith('.graphql')) {constqueryPath = path.join(this.definitionDir, subscription.query)if(!fs.pathExistsSync(queryPath)) {thrownewError(`Subscription query${queryPath}provided in subscription "${name}...
path <string> | <Buffer> | <URL> 返回: <boolean> 如果路径存在则返回true,否则返回false。有关详细信息,请参阅此 API 的异步版本的文档: fs.exists() 。fs.exists() 已弃用,但 fs.existsSync() 未弃用。 fs.exists() 的callback 参数接受与其他 Node.js 回调不一致的参数。 fs.existsSync() 不使...
private ensureExists() { const exists = pathExistsSync(this.configPath); if (!exists) { createFileSync(this.configPath); writeJSONSync(this.configPath, DefaultConfig); } }Example #3Source File: project.spec.ts From cli with Apache License 2.0 5 votes mockedPathExistsSync = jest.mocked(path...
Was playing around with vite to see what's missing to get it working. Ran into an issue where fs.existsSync unexpectedly throws when the passed path does not exist. This is particularly odd because our implementation contains a try/catch...