在未安装多路径软件的情况下,控制器B故障导致存储系统业务中断。此时可以手动将与控制器B连接的应用服务器连接到控制器A上,以确保应用服务器上业务正常运行。现象描述 控制器B的指示灯全部熄灭;控制器A的指示灯显示无异常。 与控制器B连接的应用服务器读写请求无法下发给存储设备,导致业务中断。登录DeviceManager,在...
Like other security professionals, you must address all these potential challenges to maintain and protect confidentiality, integrity, identity and nonrepudiation within your organization. The ultimate goal is to achieve effective endpoint security for any type of device, which requires knowing the capabil...
Handle (pointer) to the unmanaged object representation. (Inherited from NSObject) IsDirectBinding (Inherited from NSObject) IsProxy (Inherited from NSObject) RetainCount Returns the current Objective-C retain count for the object. (Inherited from NSObject) Self (Inherited from NSObject) ...
the time when the path is going to expire. getFileSize public long getFileSize() Returns: the size of the path in bytes getGroup public String getGroup() Get the group property of the path: The owner property. Returns: the group value. getLastModified public OffsetDateTime getLastModified(...
To copy the full path for an individual file, hold down the Shift key as you right-click the file, and then choose Copy As Path. This option is especially useful if you’ve found a file in Windows Explorer and you want to upload it to a Web site or open it in another program with...
quadraticCurveTo quadraticCurveTo(cpx: number, cpy: number, x: number ,y: number): void 创建二次贝赛尔曲线的路径。 从API version 9开始,该接口支持在ArkTS卡片中使用。 参数: 参数 类型 必填 默认值 描述 cpx number 是 0 贝塞尔参数的x坐标值。 cpy number 是 0 贝塞尔参数的y...
moveto (x y) 在给定的 (x, y) 坐标处开始一个新的子路径。例如,M 0 0 表示将(0, 0)点作为新子路径的起始点。 L lineto (x y) 从当前点到给定的 (x, y) 坐标画一条线,该坐标成为新的当前点。例如,L 50 50 表示绘制当前点到(50, 50)点的直线,并将(50, 50)点作为新子路...
Fonction ExTryToAcquireFastMutex Fonction ExUnregisterCallback Fonction ExWaitForRundownProtectionRelease Fonction ExWaitForRundownProtectionReleaseCacheAware macro FIELD_OFFSET structure FILE_BASIC_INFORMATION structure FILE_FS_DEVICE_INFORMATION structure FILE_FULL_EA_INFORMATION structure FILE_IO_PRIORITY_...
Fonction ExTryToAcquireFastMutex Fonction ExUnregisterCallback Fonction ExWaitForRundownProtectionRelease Fonction ExWaitForRundownProtectionReleaseCacheAware macro FIELD_OFFSET structure FILE_BASIC_INFORMATION structure FILE_FS_DEVICE_INFORMATION structure FILE_FULL_EA_INFORMATION structure FILE_IO_PRIORITY_...