400 Bad Request, UnsupportedHeader, "One of the headers specified in the request is not supported." 400 Bad Request, UnsupportedQueryParameter, "One of the query parameters specified in the request URI is not supported." 400 Bad Request, UnsupportedRestVersion, "The specified Rest Version is Un...
Annotation to annotate replacement for a named path segment in REST endpoint URL. A parameter that is annotated with PathParam will be ignored if the "uri template" does not contain a path segment variable with namevalue(). Example 1: ...
The path parameter definitions resource is used to view the REST request path parameter name-value pair definitions of a smart action. Smart action item or collection links returned in response payloads are valid at the moment the REST request is processed. Any change to the...
I would like to connect a GET request with variable endpoints in the URL to Power BI, the url has a structure as the following: https://test.com/name/server/api/1 The endpoint is a variable path parameter, could be 1, 2 or 3 or any number or text. Afterwards, I...
The path parameter definitions resource is used to view the REST request path parameter name-value pair definitions of a smart action. Smart action item or collection links returned in response payloads are valid at the moment the REST request is processed. Any change to the ...
400 Felaktig begäran, UnsupportedQueryParameter, "En av frågeparametrarna som anges i begärans URI stöds inte." 400 Felaktig begäran,RestVersion stöds inte, "Den angivna restversionen stöds inte". 403 Förbjuden, AccountIsDisabled, "Det angivna kontot är inaktiverat...
400 Bad Request, UnsupportedHeader, "One of the headers specified in the request is not supported." 400 Bad Request, UnsupportedQueryParameter, "One of the query parameters specified in the request URI is not supported." 400 Bad Request, UnsupportedRestVersion, "The specified Rest Version is Un...
It is also possible to specify custom query settings through the IQS_CUSTOM_SETTINGS parameter. BGP hijack and route leak incidents (Cloudflare Radar) Cloudflare token details When this token is available, an additional lookup will be enabled for autonomous system targets, in order to enumerate the...
使用postman进行API自动化测试 最近在进行一个老项目的升级,第一步是先将node版本从4.x升级到8...
` and `headers`. /// /// - parameterurl: TheURL. /// - parameter method: The HTTP method...) ->Alamofire.DataRequest 而我们在调用的时候通常会直接这么用 let req : URLRequest = URLRequest(url:URL(fileURLWithPath...(URL(fileURLWithPath: "32")) // 第二中调用,使传入requestAlamofire.req...