[Jan 16 2023] - Zusuk upgraded axe of calamity, negetive energy ray fires at 500% and now has chance to fire 'symbol of pain' spell [Jan 12 2023] - Gicker Added communal stoneskin, hostile juxtaposition, and greater hostile juxtaposition spells. [Dec 22 2022] - Gicker Added the flight...
Blood Freezer Dueling Sword Whenever the wielder of this +5 bleed icy burst dueling sword confirms a critical hit, the enemy must pass a Fortitude saving throw (DC 31) or become unable to attack with weapons for 2 rounds. Act 5, Laughing Caves Herald of Pain Dueling Sword Whenever the ...
Unzip The Matrix - Path of Neo.zip to the saved folder within installation directory of the game.And enjoy the game with all the training sessions unlocked with 100% completion of the complete game. Enjoy the journey into the matrix with full trained neo.Have phun... Keep looking for more...
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Разработчикиизстудии Squid Shock совместносиздательством Humble Games заявили, чтоихкрасочнаяметроидвания Bo: Path of Teal Lotus вдухе Hollow Knight поступит
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