你将会在《Path of Exile 2》中找到大量战利品,其中多数都需要鉴定。你可以使用 Scroll of Wisdom(智慧卷轴),或在和 Hooded One NPC 交谈时选择“Identify Items”(鉴定物品)选项——后者将在开始游玩故事战役数小时后解锁。 物品也被分成数个罕贵度,包括 Common(普通,白色),Magic(魔法,蓝色),Rare(稀...
Current Area level:Vendor Prices Normal1xScroll of Wisdom Magic1xScroll of Wisdom Rare1xChaos Orb Unique5xChaos Orb Vendor Offer 1xScroll FragmentMetadata Item class:Body Armours Metadata ID:Metadata/Items/Armours/BodyArmours/BodyInt1 This item can be acquired through the following upgrade paths...
Current Area level:Vendor Prices Normal1xScroll of Wisdom Magic2xScroll of Wisdom Rare1xChaos Orb Unique5xChaos Orb Vendor Offer 1xScroll FragmentMetadata Item class:Helmets Metadata ID:Metadata/Items/Armours/Helmets/HelmetStr1 Upgrade paths ...
Many of these orbs like the Portal Scroll and Scroll of Wisdom can be collected in large quantities and traded for better ones. So, it is advisable to gather as many orbs as possible, especially if you’re a newbie. Get Yourself a Loot Filter When killing monsters, many items dropdown. ...
Never consume/use currency items (except for Portal Scrolls, Scrolls of Wisdom, Blacksmith's Whetstones, and Armourer's Scraps which are rather inexpensive) while leveling your character. Unless these are the first days of a new League when good leveling items are hard to get, using orbs to...
Portal Scroll They are worth around 4 times more thanScrolls of Wisdom. You should always have some of them at hand no matter the stage of the game. That is unless you're using a Portal Skill Gem, but that's rarely seen. Usage/Spending ...
回城卷轴(Portal Scroll)野外能捡到,可以从NPC那买,4个鉴定卷轴(Scroll of Wisdom)换1个回城卷轴...
BaseType "Orb of Fusing" "Orb of Alchemy" "Jeweller's Orb" "Chromatic Orb" "Cartographer's Chisel" "Orb of Alteration" "Orb of Transmutation" "Orb of Augmentation" "Blacksmith's Whetstone" "Armourer's Scrap" "Scroll of Wisdom" "Portal Scroll" PlayAlertSound 3 SetTextColor 255 255 200...
These can also be vendored for Scroll of Wisdom early on.AugmentsOrb of Augmentation: Add a mod to Magic items without changing the existing mod. You always know whether a suffix or prefix will be added since magic items can only have one of each....
更奇葩的一点是没有钱这个概念,游戏中起到货币作用的是「辨识卷轴」,好吧正确的名字是scroll of wisdom,以及一些其他的宝石,比如能把把白装变蓝装的宝石,npc商店里东西的标价也是1辨识卷轴,或者1转化宝石这样子的,满满的违和感 来自Android客户端4楼2013-10-26 01:24 回复 ...