1.使用 npm 或者 yarn安装 @types/node 包就可以了 npm i@types/node-D yarnadd@types/node-D
1. 理解Vite配置文件的基本结构和语法 Vite配置文件通常是一个JavaScript或TypeScript模块,它导出一个配置对象。这个对象包含了一系列键值对,用于定义Vite的行为。 2. 确定需要配置的路径类型 在Vite中,你可能需要配置以下几种类型的路径: 别名路径(alias):为模块路径设置别名,方便引用。 静态资源路径(publicPath):设置...
This is because routes.ts runs at the same level of your vite.config.ts and not as part of the bundled code. Doesn't this mean that the vite.config alias be working? Anyway, this issue is going to make my app (and probably other people's) unnecessarily complex and/or dirty, so I...
custom?.['vite:import-glob']?.isSubImportsPattern) { return normalizePath(path.join(root, id)) } } this should instead be const resolvedImports = resolveSubpathImports(id, importer, options) if (resolvedImports) { id = resolvedImports if (resolveOpts.custom?.['vite:import-glob']?.isSub...
通过$ npm create vite@latest创建vite项目的时候,在vite.confog.ts文件中添加alias别名时,想要引入node的path模块,会报错 原因:path模块是node.js内置的功能,但是node.js本身并不支持ts 解决方案:安装@types/node npm install @types/node -D 方案一: ...
// export default defineConfig({ plugins: [vue()], resolve: { alias: { '@': resolve('src'), 'comps': resolve('src/components'), 'apis': resolve('src/apis'), 'views': resolve('src/views'),
别名alias的原理是替换第一种:当配置了'@': path.resolve(__dirname, './src'),因为path.resolve会将路径转换为绝对路径所以是相当于:'@': '/User/xxx/xxx/project/my-vite/src'替换:@/components/index.vue => /User/xxx/xxx/project/my-vite/src/components/index.vue这个转换后的路径是没问题的第...
I'm building a monorepo of UI applications using shared components and style using pnpm, typescript, vue, and vite. While trying to leverage pnpm's workspace ecosystem to ease the development experience and deployment, I'm struggling with using alias paths when importing a pa...