Welcome to China Patent & Trademark Office web site, the online Chinese patent & trademark resource. Top online China Patent and China Trademark searching are available on this web site. The instant results save your time and screen out any unavailable patent or trademarks before further investing...
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Bank Info Welcome to CPTO! Protecting your international property rights at home and abroad can be a daunting task. It is important to work with professionals who are erudite and passionate about trademark, patents, science, and technology and understand your business. For this reason, we recommen...
查询美国专利,可以登录美国专利商标局官网United States Patent and Trademark Office,网址为“https://www.uspto.gov/”进行查询,如果您有任何查询的问题或协助可以联系浙江裕阳知识产权代理有限公司进行咨询,我们将可以为您提供专利分析、专利评估、专利申请等一系列服务。 美国专利查询官方是由美国专利局开设的专利查询...
CTPLO - China Trademark & Patent Law Office. People's Republic of China. 中华人民共和国国家工商行政管理总局商标局 China Trademark Office (CTMO) . The State Administration of Industry and Commerce (SAIC). Search, Application. China Trademark Search and F
美国专利商标局(US Patent and Trademark Office)日前公布了苹果获得的一项专利,这项专利描述的技术通过检测手部移 … www.eeboard.com|基于159个网页 2. 美国专利和商标局 5.美国专利和商标局(US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE)专利服务主页http://www.uspto.gov/6.The World专利服务主页htt… ...
Patent and Trademark Office Database- the government bureau in the Department of Commerce that keeps a record of patents and trademarks and grants new ones Patent Office Commerce Department,Department of Commerce,DoC,Commerce- the United States federal department that promotes and administers domestic ...
United States Patent and Trademark Office 美国专利和商标办公室 网络释义 1. 美国专利及商标局 例句:1.David j. kappos, director of the united states patent and trademark office tells the nyt these legal battles arenothing new.美国专利和商标局主管大卫卡波斯告诉纽约时报,这些官司并不新鲜...
1. 专利商标局 美国联邦最高法院1981年宣判的专利商标局(Patent Trademark Office)诉Diehr案在美国软件专利权历史上具有划时代的意义 … library.jgsu.edu.cn|基于2个网页 2. 专利与商标局 2011年单证员考试英语辅导:常见的金... ... abstract good 抽象产品Patent Trademark Office专利与商标局book value 帐面价...
The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (PTO) is a federal agency that grants Patents and registers Trademarks to qualified applicants. A division of the Commerce Department, the PTO was named the Patent Office when it was established by Congress in 1836. In 1975 it was renamed the Patent and...