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Internet patent document delivery. Online patent search database offering instantaneous access to complete multi-page USPTO, EPO, WIPO (PCT), British, French, German, Japanese, and Swiss patent documents received via your printer, email, or web browser
or Advanced Patent Search including Published Patent Applications (Pre-Grant Publications or PGPUBS) UpFront Research Reports UpFront Research Reports Address: Patented technologies identification to avoid infringement or negotiate licenses. Identification of key technology pioneers for strategic planning and ...
USPTO PAIR system Google Scholar FreePatentsOnline Is Google patents really a natural language patent search? Probably. The better question might be, ‘is natural language searching helpful to a patent search?’ My answer: natural language may be helpful to a patent search, but it is not as ...
There are many options available for patent searches, whether using the Google patent search engine, theUnited States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)orWorld Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)databases, a global patent search directory, or a customized proprietary platform. A dedicated platform...
We report on the development of an interface to the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) that allows for the mapping of patent portfolios as overlays to basemaps constructed from citation relations among all patents contained in this database during the period 1976-2011. Both the interface and...
The basemaps can provide a stable mental framework for analysts to follow developments over searches for different years, which can be animated. The full flexibility of the advanced search engines of USPTO are available for generating sets of patents and/or patent applications which can thus be ...
USPTO Transitions to New Online Search Tool, Patent Public Search Maier & Maier October 6, 2022 11:30 EDT On September 30, 2022, the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) consolidated and replaced four legacy search tools with a single Patent Public Search tool. The new tool is...
Search through our comprehensive patent database of 127 million+ records covering more than 106+ countries (incl. 65 full text authorities) using a fully featured search interface that has all the tools needed by a professional searcher. Sort results by dates, relevance and most cited records or...
Innocelf, a patent research consultant firm in Michigan USA, that provides quality patent searches and analytics services to protect your invention.