Company Name Search PCT Filling in India New PCT Filing in India Free Trademark Registration Patent Trademark Attorney Patent Attorney Patent Law Patent Act Indian Patent Act Patent Searches Patent Offices Patent Filing International Patent Filing Patent Drafting Services Trademark Brand Brand Registration ...
Card Catalog in Central Search Room, 1942 Even if you do plan to pay a professional service to conduct a patents search for you, it is worth starting by doing apatent search onlineby yourself first, to rule out the existence of similar inventions protected by a patent. ...
Internet patent document delivery. Online patent search database offering instantaneous access to complete multi-page USPTO, EPO, WIPO (PCT), British, French, German, Japanese, and Swiss patent documents received via your printer, email, or web browser
CNIPA provides kinds of free patent search services for public to retrieve the published patent information but most of them are Chinese, so we hereby list the available search links with English service and the simple guidance of how to search online for a Chinese patent. 1. Basic search You...
AGTN: agent name AN: assignee name AGT: agent APD: filing date APN: application number CCL: U.S. class AS: assignee state ASEX: assistant examiner name DN: document number (also PN, meaning patent number) ECLA: ECLA classification FOS: field of search FREF or FREFN: fo...
Miscellaneous hardware (e.g., bushing, carpet fastener, caster, door closer, panel hanger, attachable or adjunct handle, hinge, window sash balance, etc.) (Class 16) Textiles: fiber preparation (Class 19) Chemistry: physical processes (Class 23) ...
Contact us today for more information about any of our online solutions. Our friendly team looks forward to hearing from you. Complete the form to Request a Demo Contact us now to arrange a free demo of our products First Name(Required) Last Name(Required) Company(Required) Job Titlte(Requi...
Cross reference plays the most important role for patent reader to really understand a patent. From the first brief understanding of a patent, the more detailed understanding of a patent, to a concrete understanding of a patent, we could say that the “cross reference” ensures a patent reader...
Name E-mail Messsage Services Prior Art Searches Patentability Search State of Art Search Patent Invalidation Search Infringement Search Freedom to operate Patent Watch Patent Drafting, Illustrations & Translation Landscape Patent Portfolio Analysis,Patent Licensing & Monetization ...
However, you need to know the patent number or classification to search for them. To search this database, enter whatever information you have about the patent. This can include: Patent holder's name Inventor's name(s) Keywords related to the invention One Boolean operator, like AND, OR,...