Cost-Effective Patent and Trademark Search and Application Services by Boston Patent and Trademark Attorney | Call Today for Free Evaluation (617) 439-3200
For over a quarter-century Edison Law Group patent attorney has helped clients navigate the unknown waters of inventorship from the patent search to organizing
However, inventors should be aware of potential problems before conducting a patent search. These include: Searching for patents is very difficult. Inventors commonly fail to find patents that a professional patent search organization or patent attorney would discover. The search is only as good as ...
This CLE course will guide patent counsel in navigating the challenges of preserving and controlling the attorney-client privilege in proceedings before the PTO, including both ex parte proceedings (i.e., the prosecution of the patent application and reexaminations) and inter partes proceedings (i....
Therefore, it is essential to select the right patent attorneys for your business. While our practice centers on the prosecution and litigation of utility and design patent applications, we view counseling our clients as the most important step in obtaining protection for all intellectual property. ...
Our clients include individual inventors, small to medium-sized businesses, and large, well-known corporations and institutions throughout the United States, Canada, Latin America, and worldwide. If you would like to speak with a patent attorney concerning your intellectual property rights, do not ...
Patent Trademark AttorneyIndia Trademark brand was originally developed as a name, designs, term, and symbol. Powerful brand can bring success in competitive and financial markets and thus become the markets assets. Basically, Trademark lookup deals with trademark assignments, trademark search information...
Immunis IP company provide IP patent services in USA, California, Delware, New York, Canada, and India. Intellectual property firms are specialized legal entities that help clients protect and enforce their intellectual property rights.
Patent AttorneyHe has technical support experience (nearly 2 years under the Caterpillar brand) and 5 years of patent agency experience, responsible for technology novelty search, patent layout, competitor infringement analysis, and reasonable expansion of patent protection scope. He has served medical ...
We are a US-based patent search company founded in 1997. We provide prior art searches for patent validity, product clearance, and patentability for inventors and law firms.