We are a European firm of patent, trade mark and design attorneys and in-house IP litigators Your IP could be your most valuable asset, so you need to protect and manage it carefully. At Beck Greener we work as trusted advisors to a wide range of businesses, helping them solve their mos...
Famed for its wide-ranging capabilities, Obhan & Associates is unique on the market as “an IP firm with a serious corporate practice”. The young outfit has significantly expanded its mechanical engineering and pharmaceutical divisions through astute recruitment, adding itself to the shortlists of ...
procedures for the recruitment of a umluftanteils a module design inputLOCHMAHR, KARLBRITSCH-LAUDWEIN, ARMINKAMPF, HANS
The method involves using auxiliary parameters to indirectly determine and evaluate the air parameters and the circulation component is set depending on the evaluation results. A first auxiliary component is a defined, especially maximum permissible, limiting value for the circulated component to prevent ...