Patellar instabilityPatellar tendonPosterior cruciate ligamentTibial tubercleBackgroundTo demonstrate whether the distance betwdoi:10.1016/j.knee.2018.05.018GraziaDepartmentPozziDepartmentAsma'aDepartmentAl-MnayyisDepartmentJoanDepartmentAlmollaDepartmentDomenico...
Open surgery for tendinopathy of the main body can be considered, using multiple longitudinal tenotomies, which can be implemented with a side-to-side repair and tendon augmentation or transfer, if significant loss of tendon tissue occurs. In chronic Achilles non-insertional tendinopathy, minimally ...
Andromahi Trivellas 3, Jörg Eschweiler 1, Frank Hildebrand 1 & Nicola Maffulli 2,4,5 Bone-patellar tendon-bone (BPTB), two- and four-strand hamstring tendon (4SHT and 2SHT, respectively) are the most common autografts used for anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) recon...
Background: Joint moment arm is a major element that determines joint torque. This study aimed to investigate factors associated with knee extensor and valgus moment arms of the patellar tendon in older individuals with and without knee osteoarthritis. Methods: Thirty-six participants with knee osteoa...
Middle patellar tendon to posterior cruciate ligament (PT–PCL) and normalized PT–PCL: New magnetic resonance indices for tibial tubercle position in patients with patellar instabilityKneePatellar dislocationPatellar instabilityPatellar tendonPosterior cruciate ligament...
Thus, the current study's aim was two-fold: (1) to demonstrate whether the distance between the middle point of the patellar tendon (PT) and the PCL (PT–PCL) calculated on a single axial MRI could be used as an alternate measure for TT lateralization without the need for further imagin...
overexpressed in the patellar tendon but not expressed in the anterior cruciate ligament; the long-term objective was to find genes that are central to the self-repair of the patellar tendon, in contrast with the inability of the anterior curciate ligament to launch a repair response following ...
Larson RV, Simonian PT (1995) Semitendinosus augmentation of acute patellar tendon repair with immediate mobilization. Am J Sports Med 23(1):82–86Larson RV, Simonian PT. Semitendinosus augmentation of acute patellar tendon repair with immediate mobilization. Am J Sports Med 1995;23(1):82-86...
Patellar and Quadriceps Tendon Rupture and Treatmentchapter 25 - patellar and quadriceps tendon rupture and treatmentdoi:10.1016/B978-032302702-1.50028-4Lori A. Bolgla PhD, PT, ATCTerry R. Malone PT, EdD, ATC, FAPTAScott D. Mair MDPostsurgical Orthopedic Sports Rehabilitation...
Fiquet C, White N, Gaillard R et al (2018) Partial extensor mecha- nism allograft reconstruction for chronic patellar tendon disruption shows superior outcomes in native knees when compared to same technique following total arthroplasty. Int Orthop...