Patchouli is a mod that aims to provide easy to implement, data-driven documentation for minecraft modders and modpack makers alike. Patchouli's systems allow any modder or modpack maker to quickly create beautiful books full of user experience enhancing features. The user-facing feature set of...
本Mod面向用户的特性集是根据用户对植物魔法辞典里喜好的功能进行研究而设计的。 注:本模组页面所列出的依赖(必须与Patchouli共存)与联动(Patchouli为选装,装载后提供教程书等相关功能)模组仅为一小部分。全部与其存在上述关系的模组可在Patchouli的CurseForge页面进行查询。 这里有一个你可能会感兴趣的特性小列表,当然还...
Accessible, Data-Driven, Dependency-Free Documentation for Minecraft Modders and Pack Makers For more information, see thedocs. What does the mod's name mean???1 Maven info Maven artifacts are locatedhere, each folder representing a version. ...
PatchouliButton is a minecraft mod addon for the mod Patchouli which adds a button to visit all patchouli books. Installation PatchouliButton is a mod built for the Fabric Loader. It requires Fabric API and Cloth Config API and Patchouli to be installed separately; all other dependencies are ins...
Minecraft 1.21 Patchouli-1.21-87-NEOFORGE.jar ReleaseR 1.21.1 NeoForge Sep 1, 2024 Patchouli-1.21-88-NEOFORGE.jar ReleaseR 1.21 NeoForge Feb 6, 2025 Minecraft 1.20 Patchouli-1.20.6-86.1-NEOFORGE.jar ReleaseR 1.20.6 NeoForge Feb 6, 2025 Patchouli-1.20.4-85-NEOFORGE.jar ReleaseR 1.20.4 Ne...
This is the Forge version of Patchouli. You can also get it forFabric/Quilt here. Patchouliis a mod that aims to provide easy to implement, data-driven documentation for minecraft modders and modpack makers alike. Patchouli's systems allow any modder or modpack maker to quickly create beauti...
Patchouli is a mod that aims to provide easy to implement, data-driven documentation for minecraft modders and modpack makers alike. Patchouli's systems allow any modder or modpack maker to quickly create beautiful books full of user experience enhancing features. The user-facing feature set of...
Don't forget to replace[VERSION]with the version of the mod that you want to work with! The available versions are the folder names seen onJared's maven. For 1.14 and up, the version is prepended with the Minecraft version. Note to mod developers porting a Patchouli book from 1.12 to ...
Patchouli is a mod that aims to provide easy to implement, data-driven documentation for minecraft modders and modpack makers alike. Patchouli's systems allow any modder or modpack maker to quickly create beautiful books full of user experience enhancing features. The user-facing feature set of...