外用:在所需部位塗抹1-2滴精油。搭配doTERRA分餾椰子油稀釋使用減少過敏反應。 注意事項 可能會引起肌膚過敏。放置處應遠離孩童。懷孕、哺乳 或接受治療者,請先諮詢醫師再使用。避免接觸眼睛、 內耳等敏感部位。 推薦產品 1 了解更多關於廣藿香精油 透過以下資源,繼續您的廣藿香油之旅。
doTERRA Patchouli essential oil is extracted from the leaves of the patchouli plant. Chemistry of Patchouli Essential Oil Main Chemical Components: Patchoulol, α-Bulnesene, α-Guaiene The main chemical of Patchouli is Patchoulol. Patchoulol has a sesquiterpene backbone and is a member of the ...
广霍香精油Patchouli Oil藿香正气水广藿香醇23%芳疗面部护肤精油 上海憬椿生物科技有限公司9年 月均发货速度:暂无记录 上海市金山区 ¥162.00 多特瑞广藿香精油 官网正品 美国多特瑞精油 Doterra Patchouli 渝北区走去野电子商务工作室(个体工商户)1年 回头率:50% ...
Dictionary Medical Encyclopedia Wikipedia Related to patchouli:Patchouli oil </>embed</> essence perfume patchouly pachouli a heavy perfu... shrub bush Pogostemon genus Pogoste... Pogostemon ca... patchouly pachouli small East In... patchouli ...
1.(Plants) any of several Asiatic trees of the genusPogostemon,the leaves of which yield a heavy fragrant oil: familyLamiaceae(labiates) 2.(Elements & Compounds) the perfume made from this oil [C19: from Tamilpaccilai,frompaccugreen +ilaileaf] ...
On its own, Peppermint essential oil can be used to freshen breath, and makes the perfect addition to a homemade mouth rinse. Patchouli A member of the mint family, Patchouli is a fitting companion for Peppermint oil and baking soda in this recipe, as it is used in many scented products...
Add Patchouli oil to your favorite moisturizer. Rub Patchouli essential oil on the bottoms of the feet. Directions for Use Aromatic use:Place three to four drops of Patchouli essential oil in the diffuser of your choice. Internal Use:Dilute one drop of Patchouli essential oil in four fluid oun...