To fluorescently label the MSC-EVs, an NHS ester fluorophore (Dylight650, ThermoFisher Scientific) was added at a concentration of 0.1 mg/1011 MSC-EVs, followed by incubation at 37 °C. The excess fluorophore was then removed using EV spin columns (molecular weight cutoff 3 kDa, ...
GIT_DIR=~/.bup git log local-etc Make a backup on a remote server: tar -cvf - /etc | bup split -r SERVERNAME: -n local-etc -vv Try restoring the remote backup tarball: bup join -r SERVERNAME: local-etc | tar -tf -
Ssotfhtwe RarTeCaNndNHs maroddwealrheaCsofnewfigeurrlaatyioernssthan VGGNet-16 and other models, the computations were carried out on laptops. Table 4 gives the detailed hardware and software specifications. The RTCNANs sthmeoRdTeCl wNaNssrmeaolidzeeldhuansdfeerwtehrelTayeenrssotrhFalonwVdGeGe...
6.1/go.mod h1:g3MMBCBXtxbDWBURDVnJE7XML4BG5qENhs0gzkcpuFA= v1.0.0-alpha.4 h1:PLNp8ZYAMPTUKyG9IK2hsbciDWqna2z1Wsl98okJopc= v1.0.0-alpha.4/go.mod h1:HeDk7IkR5ckZ3lMGs/o91AVUc7E596vMaOmslGFM3yU= v1.0.0 ...
Participants were recruited from 23 hospital sites in England and from one NHS Stop Smoking Service in Scotland. Full size image Primary outcome Useable saliva samples were obtained from 108 of 196 self-reported abstinent participants at the end of pregnancy (55.1%; 66 in the e-cigarette arm ...
A Comparison of Post-Harvest and Post-Fire Residual Patches in Boreal Forest Louiza Moussaoui 1,*, Nicole J. Fenton 1, Alain Leduc 2 and Yves Bergeron 1,2 1 Forest Research Institute, NSERC-UQAT-UQAM Industrial Chair in Sustainable Forest Management, Université du Québec en Abitibi Té...