如果系统返回了版本号,说明patch-package已经安装;如果返回了“command not found”的错误,那么您需要安装它。 如果未安装,提供patch-package的安装命令: 如果patch-package未安装,您可以通过npm(Node Package Manager)来安装它。打开您的终端,并运行以下命令: bash npm install patch-package --save-dev 这条命令...
Use fs-extra to copy files instead of the cp shell command, which doesn't work on Windows 3.3.0 Use + instead of : in patch file names because : is illegal on Windows. 3.2.1 Make update-notifier message show local install 3.2.0 Add update-notifier to notify users of patch-package ...
For my case it was an error while command npm install running inside temporary folder, which was caused by using Apple M1 processor. Error is: node-pre-gyp ERR! install response status 404 Not Found on https://github.com/Microsoft/ApplicationInsights-node.js-native-metrics/releases/download/v...
`${chalk.red("Error:")} Patch file found for package ${posix.basename( pathSpecifier, )}` + ` which is not present at ${relative(".", packageDir)}`, ) )}` + ` which is not present at ${relative(".", packageDir)}` if (!isDevOnly && process.env.NODE_ENV === "production...
7/3/23 SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Suite 4.3 Support Package 2 Patch 12 - Release Notes Notes related to security corrections will not be listed in this release note. Information on relevant security corrections can be found in the SAP Support Portal within the Security Patch Day ...
7/13/22 SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Suite 4.3 Support Package 1 Patch 13 - Release Notes Notes related to security corrections will not be listed in this release note. Information on relevant security corrections can be found in the SAP Support Portal within the Security Patch Day ...
6. Run the Setup from the command prompt on the other nodes to install the additional cluster nodesI mapped a drive from my second node to my first node as drive letter T (could be any unused letter), so that I didn’t have to copy ...
Maybe I should just not use the --ignore-space-at-eol flag? Allowing configuration of the git command would let people solve these issues on their own, but man I'd love to have something that just works for everyone. Feels like that *should* exist too. … mauritsd commented Jan 30, ...
Philosophically, I don't see a problem with simply updating the patch number, however, I think it's probably detrimental to npm as a whole to not have a command like this, because it subconsciously dissuades people from publishing README changes to npm. Sure, you can say to those looking...
Any changes to the OLAP connection from the CMC are not bein... Garbled character is found in the move universe dialog in CM... KPIScript endless loop bug fixed... A publication based on a Crystal Reports for Enterprise repo... Unauthorized modification of displayed content in BI LaunchP....