Atopy Patch TestDiagnosticFood allergyDiagnosisAllergie alimentaireAtopy Patch Tests (APT) to foods are used in current practice solely in France. They have no longer been recommended in the diagnosis of food allergies by European and American allergology societies for several years now.doi:10.1016/j...
Rothe A, Schmidt A, Uter W, Warfolomeow I, Zoellner G (2000) Vorschlag für die Epikutantestung bei Verdacht auf Kontaktallergie durch Kühlschmierstoffe. 1. Kommerziell erhältliche Testsubstanzen. Derm Beruf Umwelt 48
Results from a double-blind multicentre study of the German Contact Dermatitis Research Group (Deutsche Kontaktallergie-Gruppe, DKG) Contact Dermatitis 43(3): 144-149 Mancuso, G.; Reggiani, M.; Staffa, M. 1997: Long-lasting allergic patch test reaction to phenylephrine Contact Dermatitis 36(2)...
I test di percutireazione si basano su FM-I o mix di fragranze 1, una miscela di profumi noti per provocare allergie da contatto. cordis She brought me here and I took a patch test, and right then someone zapped the car—we were lucky to survive. «Ho condotto un test cutaneo...
Albert J, Geier J, Lehmann M, Schoof J (1997) Lernende Klassifizierungssysteme zur fallbasierten Auswertung von Allergietestdaten. Allergo J. 6:408 ArticleGoogle Scholar Dooms-Goossens A, Degreef H, Drieghe J, Dooms M (1980) Computer assisted monitoring of contact dermatitis patients. Contact...
Ergebnisse des Informa- tionsverbunds Dermatologischer Kliniken (IVDK) und der Deutschen Kontaktallergiegruppe. Dermatosen 1996: 44: 154–159. 8. Goossens A, Claes L, Drieghe J, Put E. Antimicrobials, preservatives, antiseptics and disinfectants. Contact Dermati- tis 1998: 39: 133–134. 9...
Article: Positive patch tests with a dermatophagoides mix relate to an increased responsiveness to standard patch test allergens
The patch test (PT) with its modification - the strip patch test (SPT) - is the standard in vivo procedure to diagnose an allergic contact dermatitis (ACD). To date, none of the in vitro tests for the diagnosis of ACD fulfils the requirements of an easy, valid and reliable test. To...
épicutanée (EPIT™), le patch VIASKIN® est conçu pour dispenser des quantités de microgrammes d’un composé biologiquement actif dans le système immunitaire à travers une peau intacte. L’EPIT est une nouvelle classe de traitement non invasif cherchant à modifier l’allergie sous...
Patch testAllergie me´dicamenteuseToxidermieTests e´picutane´s me´dicamenteuxRecent studies have emphasized the value of drug patch tests, in addition to, prick and intradermal tests to determine the molecule responsible for cutaneous adverse drug reactions (CADR), also known as drug ...