smokepatch17 v2 is a new version that uses the new database from SP20, the teams, players and many features are from the selection of the newer patch, due to pes17 limitations, around 70 teams, and 1000 players had to be removed so the database would fit pes 2017, more detailsHERE S...
Download PES 2017 Patch, pc, ps2, ps3, xbox, playstation, latest update option file, single link, torrent, pro evolution soccer, single link
PES2017实况足球2017电脑游戏补丁2024-25赛季FC2025 Patch大补 |评价 60 ¥8.00 游戏版本 DLC拓展1 DLC拓展2 语种分类 简体中文 数量 - + 物流 官方物流寄送至全球十地 下单页多种物流方式可供选择 支付方式 Credit/Debit card 查看详情并购买 商品形式:游戏物品 ...
2、下载解压后双击安装文件,选择游戏根目录(即有pes2017.exe的目录)进行安装即可; 3、建议使用离线模式运行游戏,这样能玩到全新联赛全新转会。 PES2017基于Professionals大补的球场草皮修正补丁:
之前PES2017烟雾大补SmokePatch17发布了v17.1.6升级补丁:,不过这一补丁的球衣出现了缺失问题,本帖是烟雾小组制作的球衣修复补丁,是从SP20转换而来的。本修复补丁为SP17增加和修复了球衣,帖子最后附上这次变更过的球队清单。 请注意,本帖只是球衣修复补丁,所以之前的... is a hub for PES Patch, PES 2014 Patch, PES Edit, PES 2014 Updates, PES 2013 Patches, Xbox 360 & PS3 Option Files.
Download Online Patch PES 2017. This is a mod for Pro Evolution Soccer 2017 video game. IMPORTANT : This mod was created to be used only with a legal copy of the game.
Update 9.5.2: Fixed bug playing against Flamengo: a bug when playing against Flamengo team that prevented the game from loading, the problem originated in the ad boards of the Maracana stadium in big events, this is fixed now. Fixed LFP ball: ...
–New scoreboard like PES 2021 –New adboards –New graphics –New boot update –New balls update –PES 17 NEXT SEASON PATCH 2021. CREDITS : Micano4u, Nimaesf, Oղǝ Facemaker, EsLaM, Elaraby, @Geo_Craig90, ErwinS FM, Alief Facemaker, Vito Colangelo, PES Empire, Recoba_98, ali....
Download New Updated!! PES 2017 Smoke Patch 9.5 CSL Mini Add-On for Pro Evolution Soccer 2017 at ModdingWay. Patches, Mods, Updates, Kits, Faces, Kitserver, Stadiums for Pro Evolution Soccer 2017.