two fully editable teams are still available in the game, pes united(Zalgiris Vilnius), and we united(Ceres Negros). You can use these teams to make your own. It is possible to export the team import it when we update the patch, see the tutorial section. we take the liberty of adaptin...
two teams remained fully editable, pes united(Zalgiris Vilnius), and we united(Ceres Negros). You can use these teams to make your own. It is possible to export the team import it when we update the patch, see tutorial section. for ID reference, our database is availableHERE Leagues all...
这是西班牙大补Virtuared Patch今天发布的最新更新补丁,包含了过往所有的修正补丁。如果你没有任何资源,那么只需要下载PES2021西班牙大补v6:,外加本帖的更新补丁即可。西班牙大补的更新补丁没有版本号,那么我们把发布日期作为版本号放在标题方便大家区分。这次修复了开...
安装过程中如果出现for steam game和for copy game的话,可以理解为正版和D版,请根据实际情况选择。请基于PES2021首个版本V3也就是v21.0.0:安装使用,之前的升级补丁不再需要,只需要v21.0.0+v21.0.4。
安装 PES2021_WECN_Patch_v1.0单机版 注意事项:1.v1.0是基于Konami官方DLC1.0和1.01.01的补丁...
基本信息: eFootball PES 2021游戏本体 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 烟幕大补PES2021 SmokePatch21 v4 SmokePatch21 v4 (for PES21 PC) version 21.4.0 (all in one) (03.Nov.2021) update 21.4.5 (24.Feb.2022) 1.version 21.4.0 all in ...
PES2021 WE..回复 xujiang428 :老哥,解压密码谁什么,我这边那个完全是宽网老忘记密码,被限制登陆了。。
PES 2021 Patch Season 2023/2024 New VirtuaRED Patch 2023-2024 Season for eFootball PES 2021 PC. Please visit VirtuaRED Website for more
PES 2021 Andri Patch 9.0 AIO Season 2023 :DOWNLOAD HERE PES 2021 Andri Patch 9.1 Update Season 2023 :DOWNLOAD HERE HOW TO INSTALL : 1. Extract the archive with winrar 2. Open Setup and install to in your directory folder “download” in PES 2021 ...
应该是:你的游戏存档路径\你的用户名\你的文档\KONAMI\eFootball PES 2021 SEASON UPDATE\一串数字\...