[6] Are Bankers and Venture Capitalists Really Getting Fleeced by Patagonia, New York Times [6] Silicon Valley Investors Love Patagonia Fleece Vests, Businessinsider [7] How the Fleece Vest Became the New Corporate Uniform, WSJ [8] A Wall Street Dressing Down: Always. Be. Casual, The N...
△ 2018年,Patagonia创始人Yvon Chouinard与首席执行官Rose Marcario(来源:The New York Times)The New York Times对于捐赠事件如此评论,“古怪的攀岩者Yvon Chouinard怀揣着背离传统资本主义的态度不情愿地成了亿万富翁,正因如此,在创立Patagonia 半个世纪后,他捐出了公司”。Chouinard在该媒体访谈中坦言,“希...
on display at the Park Avenue Armory in New York City, May 2010. PHOTO: STAN HONDA/AGENCE FRA...
[5] Polar Fleece Is the New Power Tie, Yahoo [6] Are Bankers and Venture Capitalists Really Getting Fleeced by Patagonia, New York Times [6] Silicon Valley Investors Love Patagonia Fleece Vests, Businessinsider [7] How the Fleece Vest Became the New Corporate Uniform, WSJ [8] A Wall Str...
据《纽约时报》(New York Times)报道,这家公司的估值为30亿美元。通过捐赠公司的大部分资产,乔纳德成为了超级富豪中规模虽小但日益壮大的一场运动的先锋,该运动利用非营利组织在他们去世很久之后仍在发挥政治影响力。 根据周三的一份声明,83岁的乔纳德将巴塔哥尼亚98%的股份转让给了非营利组织Holdfast Collective,该...
[6] Are Bankers and Venture Capitalists Really Getting Fleeced by Patagonia, New York Times [6] Silicon Valley Investors Love Patagonia Fleece Vests, Businessinsider [7] How the Fleece Vest Became the New Corporate Uniform, WSJ [8] A Wall Street Dressing Down: Always. Be. Casual, The New...
Yvon Chouinard(来源:The New York Times) △ 2018年,Patagonia创始人Yvon Chouinard与首席执行官Rose Marcario(来源:The New York Times) The New York Times对于捐赠事件如此评论,“古怪的攀岩者Yvon Chouinard怀揣着背离传统资本主义的态度不情愿地成了亿万富翁,正因如此,在创立Patagonia 半个世纪后,他捐出了公司...
Patagonia以不鼓励消费者购买其产品而闻名,品牌甚至曾于黑色星期五在The New York Times发布一则标有“不要买这件夹克”的广告,并作出如下解释,“如果我们不鼓励客户在购买前三思而行,那么我们为环境变化作出的努力便是虚伪的……如何鉴别我们真诚还是虚伪,考量标准将涉及我们销售的所有东西是否有用,是否尽可能‘多功...
[6] Are Bankers and Venture Capitalists Really Getting Fleeced by Patagonia, New York Times [6] Silicon Valley Investors Love Patagonia Fleece Vests, Businessinsider [7] How the Fleece Vest Became the New Corporate Uniform, WSJ [8] A Wall Street Dressing Down: Always. Be. Casual, The New...
Patagonia以不鼓励消费者购买其产品而闻名,品牌甚至曾于黑色星期五在The New York Times发布一则标有“不要买这件夹克”的广告,并作出如下解释,“如果我们不鼓励客户在购买前三思而行,那么我们为环境变化作出的努力便是虚伪的……如何鉴别我们真诚还是虚伪,考量标准将涉及我们销售的所有东西是否有用,是否尽可能‘多功...