1、Line in端口:该端口主要用于连接电吉他、电子琴、合成器、拾音器等外界设备的音频信号输出的录音,这些设备本身输出功率就比较大,因此需要连接到Line in端口录音,当然使用它们录音从某种程度上也可以被称为外部设备的“内录”。一般您使用的声卡越好,Line in里的噪音就会越低,录制效果也会比较好。 2、Mic in端口...
such as the number of beats (for example, four beats, eight beats, etc.) in the form of a table in such a manner as to correspond to the level of difficulty, as shown in FIG. 6A. The tables storing this stepping position indication...
according to IEC 60216-4-1, at 220 ° C in the form of ISO bars for tensile testing (standard: ISO 3167 , Type A, 170 x 20/10 x 4 mm). After the times indicated in Table 3, the specimens were removed from the oven and tested, after cooling to 23 ...