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Tin is a chemical element with the symbol Sn (from Latin: stannum) and atomic number 50. Tin is a silvery metal that characteristically has a faint yellow hue. Tin, like indium, is soft enough to be cut without much force. When a bar of tin is bent, the
WHEN it came to buying a holiday place, the world was Stan and PatCable's oyster - after all, they'd just scooped nearly [pounds sterling]4million on thelottery.Daily Mail (London)
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And Konstanin Batygin and Michael Brown believe they do know. As they write in the Astronomical journal, they have analyzed the orbits of Kuiper Belt objects and found six that behave in a peculiar way. As the diagram shows, the points of closest approach of these objects to the sun, ...
O in den Fällen nach Nr. 26 Stan-dard Siehe Nr. 26 Standard; die voliegende Patentanmeldung ist zu kennzeichnen durch den zweibuchstabigen Code nach dem WIPO-Standard ST. 3, gefolgt von der Anmeldenummer (in dem Format, das von der Behörde für gewerblichen Rechtsschutz verwendet ...
John Stanworth, Pat Kaufmann and David Purdy, The Blenheim/ University of Westminster Franchise Survey, A Comparison of UK and US Data, International Franchise Research Centre, Special Studies Series No.5, March 1995, University of Westminster Press...
Further research is needed to define the optimal transfusion threshold in patients with acute myocardial infarction.doi:10.1016/j.ahj.2018.04.007Jeffrey L CarsonSimon J StanworthJohn H. AlexanderNareg RoubinianPaul C HebertAm Heart JAmerican Heart Journal...
doi:10.1136/archdischild-2017-313273.432Mirela RitivoiuDaniela Valentina ComaniciIoana Florentina CodreanuAna Maria VasileIustina Stan
EQUI- CAR STUDY 09 - ResearchGatedoi:10.1016/S0305-7372(10)70084-0M.L. BarzelloniC. StanzioneP. CarnicelliA. MinichinoElsevier BVCancer Treatment Reviews