Also, the 'entre-deux kurde' (dual Kurdish positions) as defined by (James (2011)), regarding the geographic (moutains and plains), economic (shepherds and farmers), and social (sedentary and nomadic) situations of this people since the Middle Ages, has deepened this variability. On this ba...
In order to offer further clarification around these three positions, I present three comparison readings of SC, each using a different epistemological interpretation. The aim is not to prioritize, or privilege, one framework of data interpretation over another but, rather, to support understanding ...
Each hospice team includes a chaplain who provides pastoral care to both the patient and family, able to offer or arrange whatever support is needed to help them through the non-medical issues and challenges that arise near the end of life. One VITAS hospice chaplain describes his role as ...
village chief and to camp near villages was a growing source of tension between groups. The CR is also widely acknowledged as an important source of authority over livestock mobility, particularly through upholding and legitimizing the decisions of village chiefs. In addition, CR officials played a ...
paternalism– the policy or practice on the part of people in positions of authority of restricting the freedom and responsibilities of those subordinate to them in the subordinates’ supposed best interest. “Supposedbest interest” is a telling phrase. The paternalist supposes with little doubt th...
Do you know that this candidate and party intend to make you and me pay for other people’s abortions with our tax dollars — something that has always been illegal? Are you aware that this candidate and party, which until recently, said that abortion should be “safe, legal and rare” ...
as long term changes in the climate will have affected the positions of landscape and vegetational zone boundaries, which thus may have influenced the ratios of species kept in certain geographical areas (e.g.Kotova and Makhortykh 2010;Kremenetski 2003). However, the comparison of the later pre...
it was not possible to ascertain the normative positions of the participants. This lies beyond the scope of this initial study but is of primary interest for further research on the spirituality of adolescents with a migration experience. As an initial qualitative study, the results do indicate a...
Additionally, as discussed previously, some of the livestock owners that hire Fulani occupy government positions [29]. Around 2000, when the local government of the UWR set up a task force to regulate the activities of pastoralism and prosecute chiefs who allocate land to these pastoralists, the...