On June 6, 1944—four years after the fall of Paris—The Philadelphia Inquirer reported on another invasion of France, this time by the country's allies on the beaches of Normandy. Known as D-Day, Normandy was the largest seaborne invasion in history. The Allies suffered heavy losses but ...
s hard. But the easy part will be for you to ask My Spirit to come and grip your life with the gospel as our love sinks further down into your heart. When the gospel sinks down into those places in your heart where you really don’t trust Me, and you see the clear beauty of my...
The overwhelming beauty of God’s creation led me into a time of heartfelt worship. For about thirty minutes between first light and sunrise, it felt like God was throwing me a private party. I was immersed in joy and lavished with love. My heart was bursting with gratitude, and I cou...
Seeing those windows without life, in the second week of December, was simply unimaginable. One of my first jobs as a child was to make sure the tree and lights and candles came on before dark, and went off before bedtime. As much as I do not miss the ordeal of putting up/taking do...
From the time that we are born until the time that our life on earth comes to an end, our lives are constantly changing. Our families change, the people close to us change, we grow, we change jobs, change careers, have children, watch those same children grow up and move out, then ...
I’m not against retirement. It’s just that we shouldn’t become slugs and sloths during our retirement years. Remember that there are all kinds of ways to work and all kinds of different jobs to do. Volunteering at a Christian ministry is work. Keeping the house is work. Tending to ...
have made. For example, my cousin and her husband decided they wanted 1) a lot less work stress, 2) to live near the water, and 3) to live near family. So, in faith, they resigned from their jobs, moved across the country, and much to my delight, now live 15 miles from me!
probably, but no one voted me into that role (there isn’t a Super Czar of Nazarene-dom). Instead of filling the complaint box in Lenexa with wonderful ideas about how the GSs should do their jobs (I don’t think there is a complain box), why not take a neighbor a plate of ...
“As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.”— John 20:21b The church as the extension of the incarnation into time and space and the rest of the world throughout history — God’s hands and feet! “Christ Has No Body,”St. Teresa of Avila ...
At a time when many Americans have had their work hours cut or have even lost their jobs, Sherian Huddleston is working overtime. She works at Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU) where she oversees (监督) the enrollment (注册) of new students. The university’s population grew by 800...