Seeing those windows without life, in the second week of December, was simply unimaginable. One of my first jobs as a child was to make sure the tree and lights and candles came on before dark, and went off before bedtime. As much as I do not miss the ordeal of putting up/taking do...
Search our database of church staffing and ministry positions and jobs as well as church positions to find church Staffing and pastor jobs. We are a leading Church Jobs, pastor jobs, and Christian ministry positions place bringing churches and potential
One thing the evangelicals are good at is looking at ancient history, which is how they caught the first Revelation 12 sign in 2017. IMO clear sign we are about to enter the great tribulation in the next few years. 3rd rep of this sign is in 2034. All ...
The house where Tonya and I live is located in the heart of the little town of Spruce Pine, and the extent of the damage to our house amounted to just some water in the basement. The actual town itself, however, didn’t fare so well. Much of the town is located on the Toe River,...