Hebrew and Greek words can have different meanings depending on context, and when scholars try to translate passages, they often disagree on what word best communicates the intent of the author. This is why we have more than 100 translations of the Bible. So, when we consider the decisions t...
The pandemic lifestyle has exposed so many things that I took for granted and I will likely never take them for granted again: safe hugs and handshakes; casual, spontaneous hang-outs with friends; the freedom to travel when I want to; the ability to have family with you in the hospital ...
Hebrews 4:12 describes Scripture as “living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword,” meaning it has the power to change us. Reading the Bible regularly shapes our hearts, minds, and actions, transforming us into the image of Christ. The more we immerse ourselves in Scripture, the...
Like Elkanah and Hannah, Mary and Joseph were faithful to God and made the journey to Jerusalem to celebrate the Festival of Passover despite their relative poverty. And as it was in the story of Samuel, we find also in the story of Jesus, the faithfulness of the parents is reflected in...
In Genesis 17, when Abram is ninety-nine, God reaffirms that Abram will have a son through Sarai. By the way, it is here in this chapter that God changes Abram’s name to Abraham, meaning “father of many nations,” and Sarai’s name to Sarah, meaning “princess.” Abraham laughs ...
[1]「常在我裡面」, “連繫”(約15:7): “Μένω appears 118 times in the NT, esp. in the Johannine literature (the Gospel has 40 occurrences, 1 John has 24, 2 John has 3)….The basic meaning of μένω as an intrans. vb. isremain, continue, stand firm;as a trans. vb...
The commentator Jordan says that in Hebrew the negative ‘not’, sounds just like the prepositional phrase ‘to him’ both words are pronounced ‘lo’). Therefore it would be possible to interpret the answer of Elijah as saying “Don’t say the King will live” or ” To Him, Say the ...
Yes, there’s all that complicated theology we learn, and then there’s all the technical hermeneutical skills for exegeting ancient texts, the Hebrew, the Greek, and even the Latin, the homiletical technics, the liturgical practices, the psychology, the pastoral approaches, not to mention,...
England used the science of Forensic Anthropology to create this image of what Jesus might have looked like. He was of Hebrew descent, living in or around Jerusalem in the first century. Compare this image with the ones we have grown up with and see hanging in our churches and on our ...
suffusing that gloom with just enough light (hope) so that sentimentality and bathos are avoided is hard. Anyone can create a one-note dystopia of endless despair, but few can compose a complex symphony of meaning and emotion without diminishing the danger and darkness. (SeeChildren of Menfor...