When Kay and I were married, we received a wedding gift that we, well, didn’t know quite what to do with. It was a large, very colorful ceramic rooster! I’m sure the givers thought this was a unique and beautiful gift but, frankly, we didn’t know where to put it in our litt...
and being in a small group for yourself are your priority. If you aren’t married, although you have more free time to say yes, you still need to practice saying “no” above your 40 hours because your personal and spiritual health depends on personal time with Jesus, your family relation...
For sure, there are those who have also lived long and full lives who have now gone home to their eternal abode. But we have walked through more than a couple of experiences of deep loss as a larger church family: from the little boy who charmed us all … Chris Lewis … to our ...
I have done “Rapture Practice” at the Shamokin Alliance Church and found myself jumping from the stage to the floor and in my mid 60’s, let’s just say my knees are not what they used to be, but I want us to be ready. I’ll come and run a “Rapture Practice” for you and...
Among umpires, Esskew is not just trusted but beloved. "Dean's a big teddy bear," major league ump Chris Guccione says. "You just want to hug on him." They love his playfulness -- a relief from the stoicism their jobs require. Once, Pastor Dean showed up to give a sermon i...