The invention refers to a pasteurising - installation for pasteurisation of products in containers, which are treated in a container flow through sections following one after the other at least for heating, pasteurising and cooling with help of showering liquid as well as with a pasteurising ...
1.Liban Lait produisait plus de 90 % du laitpasteuriséde longue conservation du pays. 1.Liban Lait生产黎 90% 上的长效消毒牛奶。 评价该例句:好评差评指正 2.Récemment, une entreprise indienne a installé une usine de traitement utilisant des technologies de pointe et commencé à travailler ...
pasteurisation Pasteurisation:chaufferlelaitàhautetempératureetlepressuriseravantlamiseenbouteille.Lacontroversesurlagénérationspontanée Lathéoriedelagénérationspontanée:L'originedes micro-organismesdanslanatureétaitunvastedébatetdepuistrèslongtemps,oncroyaitquelesorganismesinférieurspouvaientnaîdetre...
Known as one of the pioneers of microbiology, Louis Pasteur is famous for his discovery of a vaccine against rabies along with the pasteurisation process, and this museum was first opened in 1936 within the Pasteur Institute that Louis Pasteur founded in 1888....
A process for the pasteurisation of egg products is also the object of the present invention.BALASSO, MAUROCOLAVITTI, ROBERTOBONATO, PAOLO