21. Baby Blue + Salmon + Mindaro Pastel Color Palette Hex Codes: #70d6ff // #ff70a6 // #ff9770 // #ffd670 // #e9ff70 There’s no technical desaturation level that magically makes a color pastel, so we think the five shades here are about as saturated as you can get in a pas...
Logo Preview Image Blue Childish Text Logo Preview Image Childish Toddler Toy browse 50,000+ handcrafted logos Enter any keyword and we will start making logos for you Search by keyword (e.g. restaurant) Generate logos BrandCrowd Logo Maker Logo Templates Logo Ideas Business card maker Free L...
We’re going to rebrand as McMonkey and blatantly steal McDonald’s logo.” Obvious legal issues aside, it wouldn’t work because every time anyone saw the golden arches, they’d think McDonald’s. Just like when people see a light blue/pink combo and think babies. 5. Pair pastels ...