[00000.371] 00000:01032> x86_perfmon_have_mchbar_data:375: perfmon: unsupported pci device: 0x8086.0x29c0 [00000.371] 00000:01032> PMU: version 2 [00000.371] 00000:01032> UART: started IRQ driven RX [00000.371] 00000:01032> UART: started IRQ driven TX ...
GroupAdd, excludedWins, ahk_class DV2ControlHost ; start menu search bar GroupAdd, excludedWins, ahk_class ConsoleWindowClass ; console WordListFile := A_ScriptDir . "\WordList.txt" ;path of the wordlist file SettingsFile := A_ScriptDir . "\Settings.ini" ;path of the settings file Max...
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\Program Files\Sticky Notes 2、拷贝 en-US、slc.dll、StickyNotes.exe 至 C:\Program Files\Sticky Notes; 3、拷贝 .\System32\SNTSearch.dll 至 C:\Windows\System32; 4、拷贝 .System32\en-US\sntsearch.dll.mui 至 C:\Windows\System32\en-US;6、运行 Sticky Notes.exe即可;BigKay@CSDN /2019 ...
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self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem=objBarButtonItem; [objBarButtonItem release]; } /*Function Name : unzipAndSaveFile *Return Type : void *Parameters : nil *Purpose : To unzip the epub file to documents directory */ -(void)unzipAndSaveFile ...
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