Prove: To prove is to substantiate or validate the truth of a claim or something contentious. It often involves conducting research, collecting evidence, and creating an argument supporting the claim. Answer and Explanation: The past perfect tense of prove is"had proved." ...
In winter, snow fell and the roofs of my old house would become thick, and all the trees would become white. 所有的孩子都出了房子,到农场上相互掷雪球,跑啊,叫啊,笑啊。 All the children were out of the house to the big farms and threw snowballs to each other, running, shouting and l...
I might like a bit more restraint for the safety of any bystanders, but given the officers had been threatened and were in a tense moment for officers that rarely discharge their weapons even in Chicago the result is unsurprising. RCPete says: April 11, 2024 at 2:29 pm I was friends ...