What are Past Participles in Spanish? The past participle is the form of a verb that is used to form perfect and passive tenses and sometimes as an adjective. When used to form the perfect tense, the past participle is generally used with a helping verb like "has," "have," or "had....
tensespanishpastpreterite过去时simple 系统标签: tensespanishpastpreterite过去时simple THEPRETERITETENSETHEPRETERITETENSE .studyspanish.studyspanish AsimplepasttenseinSpanishAsimplepasttenseinSpanish WhatistheWhatisthe preteritetense?preteritetense? ThepreteriteisaThepreteriteisa simplepasttenseinsimplepasttensein Spani...
Verbs that end in the letters –car and –gar have a spelling change in the YO form in the preterite (past) tense. Here are some –car & -gar verbs we know. Practicar Tocar Buscar Pagar Jugar Llegar Knowing WHY these verbs have a spelling change will help you remember to change their...
-car, -gar, -zar verbs -car - gar -zar tocar sacar buscar llegar pagar jugar cazar almorzar empezar. The Preterit Tense Mr. Jackson. What is the preterit tense? A verb tense that describes events that happened in the past. Used in all languages What does. CAPĺTULO 2B Realidades 2....