IR:Vivir, Escribir, Subir, Describir, Dormir* * Indicates verb has irregular conjugations There are different rules for conjugation depending on the last two letters of these verbs. In other words, Spanish verbs ending in AR are conjugated differently than verbs ending in ER and IR. Irregular S...
Although not all nouns in Spanish are past participles of verbs, a great number are derived from a common root. So by learning the verb, you’re likely learning a noun (or two) anyway. For example, the verbamarcould becomeamado(the loved one) oramante(the lover).Amadois the participle....
tensespanishpastpreterite过去时simple 系统标签: tensespanishpastpreterite过去时simple THEPRETERITETENSETHEPRETERITETENSE .studyspanish.studyspanish AsimplepasttenseinSpanishAsimplepasttenseinSpanish WhatistheWhatisthe preteritetense?preteritetense? ThepreteriteisaThepreteriteisa simplepasttenseinsimplepasttensein Spani...
Verbs ending in-ir,like dormir (to sleep): Notice that-erand-irverbs have identical endings in this tense. The imperfect indicative is pretty regular, butan important irregular imperfect verb to know isser(to be): When to use the imperfect To start employing these conjugations, it’s helpful...
Before we learn the endings, lets get a grip of the present tense & past tense in English. Present tense is used to describe: Something that is happening now………...I’m going to lunch. Something that is happening soon………..I’m going to lunch in an hour. To express a general...