Note that the nosotros form is the same as the present tense form. Adding temporal expressions such as ayer (yesterday) helps speakers distinguish when something took place. See our guide on Spanish pronouns if you need to brush up on the subject pronouns found in the “Person” category abov...
EstarPresent Tense and Participle Subject PronounPresent Tense ofEstarPronunciationMeaning yoestoyess-TOYI am túestásess-TAHSyou are él, ella, ustedestáess-TAHhe, she is, you (formal) are nosotros/asestamosess-TAH-moswe are vosotros/asestáisess-TICEyou all are ...
Spanish II Test 9/20 58個詞語 La Hora (Spanish) 8個詞語 G.1 Flashcards Unit 5 Part 9 10個詞語 Las Profesiones 75個詞語 本學習集中的詞語(5) veía ver (yo) veías ver (tú) Veía She/he Veíamos ver (nosotros) Veían they saw...
Nosotrostrabajamosenlalibreríapordosaños. Weworkedatthelibraryfortwoyears. Actionsthatwereapartofachainofevents Ellaselevantó,sevistió,ysaliódelacasa. Shegotup,gotdressed,andleftthehouse. Statingthebeginningorendofanaction. Empezóanevaralascuatrodelatarde. ...
Only three verbs (and the verbs derived from them, such asprever) are irregular in the imperfect tense: Ir(to go): yo iba(I was going) tú ibas(you were going) él/ella/usted iba(he was going, she was going, you were going) ...
Ser vs Estar 14個詞語 Vocabulario Siesta del Martes 15個詞語 jakes oral exam 29個詞語 Espanol periodo cinco 14個詞語 Irregular verbs future tense 13個詞語 Nationalities 21個詞語 Assessment Review 2 20個詞語 don quijote cultura 12個詞語
Condicional tense 6個詞語 davicai1 預覽 Span 2010 Quiz 1 13個詞語 amerson65 預覽 Relaciones familiares Spanish 3 22個詞語 morgs619 預覽 Exam Review: Spanish I Chapter 2B 43個詞語 EricaDG1105 預覽 ser, estar, ir and ver, Hii 63個詞語 sprais7501 預覽 Borges y Yo 老師10個詞語 aimee_gaut...