A. The simple past: regular verbs These regular past forms end with the sounds /d/, /t/, /id/ or /i:d/ /a:d/. Put them in the correct columns:根据读音将以下规则动词的过去式分类: cried, answered, decided, asked, fried, entered, cooked, started, contained, interrupted, noticed, ...
SHOWING2 Grammar*Past simple: regular and irregular verbs a Underline the correct words.1 Did you like the film? I taught / thought / thank it was terrible!金2 Tom wanted / won / went an omelette, but we didn't have any eggs.3 I phoned Kate from the station and seed / sayed / ...
Grammar test - simple past (regular + irregular verbs) worksheet Simple past irregular verbs worksheets: PAST SIMPLE - irregular verbs BOARD GAME (B&W included) Level:elementary Age:9-17 Downloads:3010 Past Simple Test Regular/Irregular Verbs ...
The worksheet is designed to present and to drill Past Simple form of regular verbs. There are spelling rules and 6 exercises, pronuciation rules for -ed, plus the link from the ESLP forum on using games to present and teach Past Simple. The worksheet is
aAir Filter : Double Layered antibiotic air filter removes dust in the Air. 空气过滤器: 加倍层状抗药性空气过滤器取消尘土在天空中。[translate] apast simple regular verbs 通过简单的规则动词[translate]
Past simple (regular verbs)We add-ed to verbs ending in vowel+-y( e.g. played).√ play-played X play-plaid If the verb ends in consonant +-y ( e.g. try), we change the-y to-iand add-ed.V try-tried X try-tryed Correct the past simple forms.1 plaid2 staid3 studyed4 try...
A|The simple past with regular verbs Look.请看下表. Positive Negative Question Short answers |he stayed he did not stay did he stay?Yes, he did. or he didn't stay or No, he didn't. |Now write dialogues like the example. Use the simple past tense. 用一般过去时完成以下对 话|. 1...
In this course, “Simple Past Tense,” you will learn how to form and use the simple past. You will see that there are a lot of irregular verbs in the simple past, but there are some patterns you can use to help you remember. You will learn about spellin
小学认知英语课件 Past Simple Regular verbs PastSimple Regularverbs Weusethepastsimpletotalkaboutthingsthathappenedinthepast.Timeexpressions:Yesterdaylastweek/month/yearayearagotheday/weekbeforein2010…Affirmative IplayedHe,she,itplayedWe,you,theyplayed Spellingrules Infinitive+ed/d Vowel+y:edConsonant+y:...
Past Simple Test Regular/Irregular Verbs worksheet Simple past irregular verbs worksheets: WHAT DID THE MICE DO? -PAST SIMPLE REGULAR AND IRREGULAR VERBS + WORDSEARCH Level:elementary Age:10-14 Downloads:2130 WHAT DID THEY DO? PAST SIMPLE REGULAR AND IRREGULAR VERBS (KEY+B&W VERSION INCLUDED) ...