Thanks!! 10 个问题 1. 投影片 Past Simple Questions and Negatives 2. 投影片 Questions We use did to make questions with the past simple: Did she play tennis when she was younger? Did you live abroad? When did you meet your wife? Where did you go for your holidays? 3. 投影片 For...
UNIT 5. Past simple (I did) P20 Simply, we use it to describe what happened before right now. Very often the past simple ends in -ed (regular verbs): In questions and negatives we use did/didn't + infinitive (enjoy/see/go etc.): The past of be (am/is/are) is was/were: Note...
Past Simple Quiz Complete the questions to make a history quiz. Exercise Number:1G25 Past Simple Negatives - Who Didn't Do What? Practice of past simple negative forms - and job vocabulary. Exercise Number:1G90 Spelling of Past Simple Regular ...
To make past simple questions we usesubject-auxiliary inversion. This means that we swap around the position of the auxiliary verb and the subject. However, as you can see in the examples above, there is no auxiliary verb in past simple statements. This means that, if we want to make a ...
Negatives & Questions in the Simple Past Negativesandquestionsare formed the same way in the simple past as in the present. They usually use ‘did’ (the past tense of the verb ‘to do’) or another helping verb like ‘could’ (past tense of ‘can.’) As in the present, the main ...
You will see that there are a lot of irregular verbs in the simple past, but there are some patterns you can use to help you remember. You will learn about spelling changes when you add an “-ed” ending, as well as how to form negatives and questions in the past. You will also ...
Simple past vs. past perfect How to form negatives How to form questions How to form the passive voice Exercises: Simple past tense Other interesting language articles Frequently asked questions about the simple past tense How to use the simple past ...
How to teach Past Simple question formation and negatives Past Simple questions are easier both than Past Simple positive statements (because the verbs are in the infinitive) and than the Present Simple questions that have probably been presented earlier (because there is no third person S). There...
Past simple ends –ed(regular verbs) We invited them to our party, but they decided not to come. But many verbs are irregular: write- wrote, go-went… In questions and negatives we use did, didn’t + infinitive I/She /they liked milk. I/She/they didn’t like milk. Did I/She/...
Pastsimple 一般过去式 was/were NowRobertisatwork. Atmidnightlastnighthewasn’tatwork.Hewasinbed.Hewasasleep. am/is(present)—was(past)Iamtired.(now)--Iwastiredlastnight.WhereisKate?(now)--WherewasKateyesterday?Theweatherisgoodtoday.--Theweatherwasgoodlastweek...