We use the past simple when we include a past time expression to say when in the past an event took place. ✓Yesterday I ate rice. ✗Yesterday I have eaten rice. We use the present perfect to talk about past events when we don't say exactly when they took place and with expressi...
【题目】Simple past tense and present perfect tenseThere are some differences between the simple past tenseand the present perfect tense.TIPWe often use these time expressions with the simplepast tense.yesterday the other day last.. .agoTIPWe often use these time expressions with the present...
【设计意图:结合学生14岁成人礼的图片,引导他们回忆一般过去时和现在完成时态在结构上的区别。】2. Finish some exercisesPart A Part BT: Do you know the differences in time expressions between the simple past tense and the present perfect tense?【设计意图:及时通过练习帮助学...
小学英语 PRESENT PERFECT vs PAST SIMPLE Hello!Haveyouever readoneofmystories?PRESENTPERFECTvsPASTSIMPLE FORM •Positive:HAVE/HAS+PASTPARTICIPLE •Negative:HAVENOT/HASNOT+PASTPARTICIPLE •Interrogative:HAVE/HAS+Subject+PASTPARTICIPLE?•Wehaveseenthatfilm/Shehasseenthatfilm •Ihaven’tseenthatfilm/...
【设计意图:结合学生14岁成人礼的图片,引导他们回忆一般过去时和现在完成时态在结构上的区别。】2. Finish some exercisesPart A Part BT: Do you know the differences in time expressions between the simple past tense and the present perfect tense?【设计意图:及时通过练习帮助学...
教材原文精准译文Simple past tense and present perfect tense一般过去时和现在完成时There are some differences between the simple past一般过去时和现在完成时之间有一些tense and the present perfect tense.区别。TIP We often use these time expressions with the提示 我们经常把这些表示时间的词语simple past ten...
Simple past tense and present perfect tense一般过去时和现在完成时There are some differences between the一般过去时和现在完成时之间有一些simple past tense and the present perfect区别。tense.. We use the simple past tense to tell what我们使用一般过去时来讲述过去发生happened in the past.的事情。Daniel...
】2. Finish some exercisesPart A Part BT: Do you know the differences in time expressions between the simple past tense and the present perfect tense?【设计意图:及时通过练习帮助学 上传时间:06-29 [教案] 牛津译林版八年级下册《Grammar: Simple past tense and present perfect tense》优质课教学...
LearnEnglishwith anativespeakerfrom America. IELTS or TOEFLSpeakingtest preparation. BusinessEnglish. GeneralEnglish. Pronunciation practice. Keep fowlling and learning,this will absolutelyhelp you toachieve a high bandin the IELTS/TOEFL or other speaking tests. ...
The present perfectvs.the simple past 一、教学目标 1.Language objectives: 1)Tohelp the studentsreview the present perfect tense and the simple past tense 2)To help the students understand thetwo tenses. 2.Ability objectives:1)To cultivate the students’abilities in listening and speaking 2)To ...