小学英语 PAST SIMPLE - To BE and REGULAR Pastsimple 1.PastsimpleoftheverbToBE AmIsAre PresentSimple Was=am,is Iamlate.HisnameisBob.Heisawaiter.Were=are Wearefriends.Theyarehappy.2.Pastsimple +Iworked HeworkedSheworkedItworked WeworkedYouworkedTheyworked I...
PAST SIMPLE VERB TO BE - IAV 下载文档 收藏 打印 转格式 13阅读文档大小:39.0K4页shimni74上传于2016-08-16格式:DOC 人工智能基础(第2版) x2d;高济 x2d;ai x2d;4 x2d;本 热度: 计算机知识windows系统:开始--运行--命令大全0421050529第一期
2. We were at the cinema last night. 3. Picasso was a famous artist? 4. Was it sunny at the beach? 5. They weren't at the swimming pool at the weekend. 本题考查过去简单时态中动词“to be”的正确形式。正确答案为: 1. It was my birthday yesterday. 2. We were at the cinema last...
Examples: The concertendedat midnight. Arianarenteda car anddroveto the coast. Wevisiteda museum,walkedthe Champs-Élysées, anddinedat a fancy restaurant. Isawthe sunrise this morning. Forming the simple past The simple past of regular verbs is usually formed by adding “-ed” to the end...
Past Simple Regular & Irregular Gap Fill Use the past simple version of the verbs in brackets to complete each sentence. Uses regular and irregular past simple verbs. Exercise Number:1G80 Regular and Irregular Verbs Odd One Out Odd one out exercise about regular and irregular past verb forms....
Explore the definition of simple past tense. Examine examples of how it is used with regular and irregular verbs, and what it means for past...
The verb 'to be' does not take theauxiliary verb'did' in the question or negative form. The regular past simple form of verbs ends in '-ed', irregular past simple form of verbs vary and must be studied. Examples I was on time to the meeting yesterday. ...
小学一年级英语 Past Simple Grammar SimplePast UsesofSimplepast 1.TheSimplePastitusetoexpresstheideathatanactionstartedandfinishedataspecifictimeinthepast.ExamplesShewashedhercar.Isawamovieyesterday.Youweresickyesterday 2.WeusetheSimplePasttolistaseriesofcompletedactionsinthepast.ExamplesOIfinishedwork,walkedto...
This is a worksheet I made for my students to review the Simple Past of the verb "To Be". The rules to form the SPast are at the top. Students solve 2 exercises: an easier one first, crossing the wrong form out, and then sentence completing with the 3 forms. KEY included in case...
题目 What is the past tense of the verb "to be" for the third person singular? 答案 A 解析 null 本题来源 题目:What is the past tense of the verb "to be" for the third person singular? 来源: 成人英语考试题库及答案 收藏 反馈 分享...