Things to rememberThe simple past tense of some verbs does not followany rules. For example,be→was/weregiVe→save sleep→siept break→brokeg()→Wemt take→+took bringbroughtleave→left think→thoughtfeelfeltmake→made wear→woreWe ask and answer Yes/No questions in the simplepast tense like...
In this course, “Simple Past Tense,” you will learn how to form and use the simple past. You will see that there are a lot of irregular verbs in the simple past, but there are some patterns you can use to help you remember. You will learn about spellin
Things to remember The simple past tense of some verbs does not follow |any rules. For example, |be→was/were give→gave sleep→slept break→broke go→went take→→took bring-→brought leave-left think thought feel→felt make→made wear→wore We ask and answer Yes/No questions in thesimp...
动手练一练! In addition to the chant, the students also got involved invarious activities to enhance their understanding and usage of the past simple tense in sentences.They engaged in group and individual writing activ...
It's easy to remember it's the simple Past and everyone knows with regular verbs You just put ED at the end of the word But irregular verbs can be very hard The only chance you have is to learn them by heart So ...
Things to remember The simple past tense of some verbs does not follow any rules. For example,be→was/were give→gave sleep→slept break→broke go→went taketook bring→brought leave→left think→thought feel→felt make→made wearwore We ask and answer Yes/No questions in the simple past ...
past simple 29 termini riccardobritta07 Anteprima DO or MAKE Insegnante28 termini giulia_effe Anteprima 21.10 Insegnante25 termini DariaKh17 Anteprima Definizioni verifica Ludo 64 termini chiarabellatorre Anteprima Henry James's life & The Turn of The Screw Insegnante22 termini priva Anteprima Domanda ...
Things to rememberThe simple past tense of some verbs does not follow any rules. For example,be→was/were give→gave sleep→sleptbreak→broke go→went take→tookbring→brought leave→left think→thoughtfeel→felt make→made wear→wore We ask and answer Yes/No questions in the simple past ...
In general, Americans do not use the simple past in this way when they are asking for information or using other verbs, such as like, love, prefer, and so on. This lesson is not designed to give you yet ano...