Like In Past Elections, Latino Voter Turnout Could Swing ResultsAudie Cornish
On the Republican side, there are many candidates on the ballot, including some who have already dropped out of the race. But the top contenders following last week’s results in Iowa –and after Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis exited the race on Sunday –are Trump and former U.N. Ambassador ...
The major results of the work of the Executive Board duringthepastbiennium are the adopteddecisionspertaining to all aspects of activities covered by the Organization. 执行局在过去双年度的主要工作成果是就本组织各方 面工作通过的决定。
We conclude that China's efforts in implementing international action plans since the ICPD have laid a strong foundation for achieving global SDGs, that China has become a role model for the international community in the domain of population and development, and that China will continuously ...
The Electoral Reform Society, a pressure group, points out that AV can produce results as perverse as first-past-the-post. 选举革新会,作为一个压力集团,指出选择投票制会产生和“得票多者当选”同样不利的结果。 9. The Lib Dems are the principal victims of Britain's first-past-...
sarah (Sarah Frostenson, politics editor): If you know one thing about FiveThirtyEight it’s probably that we cover elections. So in keeping on brand but still embracing that end-of-year spirit, we’ve decided to take some time today to reflect on the most important elections of all time...
1.nounThe first person to reach a particular goal. Primarily heard in UK.I'm so proud of my daughter—she was first past the post in this morning's race.Was the driver I bet on first past the post?They're both good sprinters, so it's hard to predict which one will be first pas...
The inconsistency of the results of a by-election held under the first-past-the post system with the list proportional representation system adopted [...] 亦有立法會議員 對於建議的替補機制涵蓋任期內出缺的各種情況,認為適用範圍太廣,有 所保留。 [...] the wo...
Reports that the Ethics Committee is preparing to make public the results of its investigation, which werefirst published by CNN, marks a stark reversal for the panel. A vote last month on whether to release the report failed. The Ethics Committee gathered for its final meeting of the 118th...
Philip Shenon, “U.N. Aide Calls Cambodia Vote ‘Free and Fair’,”New York Times, 26 May 1993; United Nations Security Council, “Report of the Secretary-General on the Conduct and Results of the Elections in Cambodia,” S/25913, 2 June 1993. ...