What is the past perfect tense of keep? What is the simple present tense of "stay"? What is the simple past tense of abide? What is the simple past tense of hold? What is the verb tense of "stayed"? What is the past tense of hold?
Thank you rebecca. When I saw your video I hadn’t known past perfect tense yet. Genky thank yo very much that was helpful to me abuomar Great Explanation, I clear understand! Thank! Nevin Rebecca, Thank you for this lesson! So “formula” of Past Perfect is: Past Simple + (,and, ...
I read the story of the Trojan War last week.Work out the rule. We use (the present perfect tense/the simple past tense) to talk about a past experience which has a connection to the present.. We use (the present perfect tense/the simple past tense) to talk about a completed action...
past perfect continuous tense Another potentially confusing subject is the difference between the past continuous tense and the past perfect continuous tense. Both of these can show a past action interrupted by another action. However, the major difference is this: With the past continuous, the ...
Put the verb in the present perfect tense or simple past tense.(用所给词的现在完成时或一般过去时填空。 )11 With the help of the teacher and his classmates, Tom(make)great progress in Chinese recently.12 The guests(just arrive) here.13 The story(happen) in a small village on a rainy ...
:We usualy use 머리 짧다/길다 about lenth of hair.2.5년 전에는 자주 노래했었어요. 요즘은 드물게 노래해요.:5 years ago-5년 전에는 3.여기 겨울은 예상대로 추웠었어요.요즘은 모든 계절을 ...
past perfect N (Ling)→ pluscuamperfecto mpast tense N (Ling)→ (tiempo m) pasado m Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005 past (paː...
Practise talking about time with past tense forms. These games practise 4 past tense forms from Past Simple to Past Perfect Continuous. In the last set of games the tenses are mixed.You can play these games on your smartphone, tablet or desktop, so bookmark these pages and keep coming ...
【题目】Simple past and present perfect Tense Used for Example actions that happened I bought a new bicycle yesterday.in the past Simple pastactions that happened Kitty wrote an email to Lind a an at a certain time ir hour ago.the past emphasizing the resultI have bought a new bicycle, ...
Now it may be possible to use more than one in some of these situations so don't stress too much but remember, if you need a little bit more time to think hit pause. There's no rush, you're in control. Pause, have a think, write it down before you keep going.在某些情况下可能...