she said like that in simple past vs past perfect lesson !! poongkundran Thank you Prof. Rebecca really i am always confused with the past perfect , but now it is okay. Hassan Thank you my teacher Rebecca.A simple way to learn past perfect tense. spektakli Madam...
German: Vergangenheit (de) f Greek: παρελθόν (el) n (parelthón) Hebrew: עָבָר (he) m (avár) Hindi: अतीत (hi) m (atīt) Hungarian: múlt (hu) Icelandic: fortíð (is) f Ido: pasinto (io) Indonesian: masa lalu (id)...
Related to past participle:past perfect tense,present participle n. A verb form indicating past or completed action or time that is used as a verbal adjective in phrases such asfinished workandbaked beansand with auxiliaries to form the passive voice or perfect and pluperfect tenses in constructio...
‘decision’ by some of the language versions of paragraph 4 (for example, the use of the imperfect tense in German (‘getroffen wurde’), the present continuous in English (‘is being taken’), the present in French (‘émane’) and the past perfect in Finnish (‘on päättänyt...
"The present perfect tense is used mostly in conversational contexts in German and the simple past tense is used mostly in written German and usually to narrate past events."Mostly!?So in spoken language when i shouldn't use present perfect? when i should?(When in written i can't use ...
in Germany we often use the present perfect tense though this is not correct.In effect, if the dog is already dead then I had a dog, Ich hatte einen Hund, als ich klein war. Ich habe einen Hund gehabt, means, that I had a dog in the past and I still have it. Als ich klein ...
意思是我的父母曾经结过婚10年.言下之意即现在已离婚了. 有时候无提到个timing会比较 mon 用 present perfect tense 是因为有个 assumption- 把发生了的动作当作与现在有关. 如果发生了的动作是跟现在无关的话 就须要指明时间才可配合用past tense. 当然这个assumption并不是绝对的 很多时候无指示 ...
1) the present perfect serves as the dominant past tense form for main verbs in the German colloquial standard; 2) modal verbs, the copula sein 'be,' haben 'have,' and certain formulaic expression occur in the preterite; and 3) the use of the past tense forms is linked to contextual ...
German Exam 2 german 101 55個詞語 Byssadfress 預覽 Past Verbs 23個詞語 pdinassi_a 預覽 German Question Practice - Prufung 4 20個詞語 ars0nautics 預覽 中文对话 老師62個詞語 xiaoyut 預覽 Chapter 9 10個詞語 redtiger4 預覽 Wohnen, Musik und Tiere: Vokabeln und Phrasen 43個詞語 Romeo_3313 預...
Imagine the outcries if every German tourist felt the need to parade their flag across London! Your LETTERS: Fly our own flag Mr Morgan is a past master at bringing the mundane to life, or keeping AMs awake, to put it another way. Animal magic; Assembly Wsetgate He was a member of ...