4 The house was looking really clean because Mum and Dad ___ everything away. 5 Kim had to miss her break time because she ___ her homework. 6 The driver almost caused an accident because he ___ the red light. 相关知识点: 试题来源...
What is the past perfect tense of clean? What is the past perfect progressive tense of clean? What is the past continuous tense of clean? What is the past perfect tense of dry? What is the past perfect tense of wring? What is the past perfect tense of occur? What is the past ...
The future Perfect Continuous Tense 用法 .过去完成进行时 the past perfect continuous tense用法1.一般现在时 the present tense 2.一般过去时 the past tense3.一般将来时 the future tense5.现在进行时 the present continuous tense6.过去进行时 the past Continuous Tense 7.将来进行时 the future continuous...
,heplayedPingpong.Discussion:ThestructureofthePastperfecttense:(结构)2.ThedefinitionofthePastperfecttense:(定义)主语+had+动词的过去分词 (p.p.)定义:过去完成时:强调过去某一个动作发生在另一个动作前常常用过去完成时态。1.在老师进入教室前,李磊擦了黑板.LiLei___(clean)theblackboardbeforetheteachercame...
The future Perfect Continuous Tense 用法 .过去完成进行时 the past perfect continuous tense用法1.一般现在时 the present tense 2.一般过去时 the past tense3.一般将来时 the future tense5.现在进行时 the present continuous te
After class, I hurriedly ran back home because I suddenly remembered I 11.(forget) to turn off the tap(水龙头). When I finally got home, the water12.((run) out of the tap. I had to spend many hours 13.(clean) my house.What bad luck! 相关知识点: ...
past perfect simple;;drank water;;;主语+had + 动词旳过去分词 (p.p.);过去完毕时旳判断根据: 1. 由时间状语来鉴定:一般说来,多种时态均有特定旳时间状语。与过去完毕时连用旳时间状语有: (1) by + 过去旳时间点。如: 昨天晚上九点前我已经读完这本小说了。 I had finished reading the novel by ...
bedroom.Past3 I didn't have to take the dog for a walk because pas Joey already it.64 The house was looking really clean because Mum an d Dad everything away.5 Kim h a d to miss her break time because she her homework.6 The driver almost cause d an accident because he the re ...
Although Kodak anticipated the inevitable rise of digital photography, its corporate(企业的) culture was too rooted in the successes of thepastfor it to make the clean break necessary to fully embrace the future. 出自-2013年6月阅读原文
1、Past perfect passivePast perfect passive 过去完成时的被动语态是过去完成时和被动语态的叠合, 表示在过去某一时间或某个动作之前已经完成,且主语与为主动词之间存在被动关系。常与含有by,before等时间状语连用。had+been done eg: The pen had been broken by the boy before it was found. Six hundred ...