It is important to know that when referring to past events or actions, the present perfect is much more common than the simple past. Es importante saber que cuando se refiere a acciones o hechos del pasado, el uso del pretérito perfecto compuesto (he comido) es mucho más común que ...
Stefani Valadez Ensemble (Ladino/Sephardic) (Performing a Yemeni prayer for peace "Ha'Azino Tafiloti" and a symbolic "Cuando el Rey," a story about Abraham's impact on the world.) from 3:00 pm - 9:00 pm. The Dorothy Chandler Pavilion is located in the Music Center at 135 N. Gran...
El tiempo pasado progresivo es comúnmente usado para comunicar que una actividad estaba sucediendo cuando otra acción ocurrió. ParaCrawl Corpus Examples of Past Progressive Tense Ejemplos del Past Progressive Tense (pasado progresivo) ParaCrawl Corpus The present perfect progressive tense also ...
American Lowland ANDOR All fieldsTitleAbstractKeywordsAuthorsAffiliationsDoiFull TextReferences Open AccessArticle by Elisabeth Baker Martínez 1,* and Naomi Shin 2 1 Department of Spanish & Portuguese, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131, USA...