Infinitive Past tense Past participle sit sat/saet/sat smell smelt /smelt/, smelled smelt, smelled speak spoke /spauk/spoken /'spaukan/spell spelt /spelt/, spelled spelt, spelled spend spent /spent/spent spread spread /spred/spread stand stood /stud/stood stick stuck /stAk/stuck sweep swept...
(2) Do not forget that past participle phrases (like all participle phrases) function as adjectives. Participle phrases typically sit at the start of a sentence and followed by a comma. When this sentence structure is used, the subject – which is always a noun, a pronoun or a noun phrase...
Verb Past tense Past participle let let sir lie(躺)lay lain lit/lighted sit light lit/lighted8lost lose lost make made made5meant meant meet met+met mistake mistook mistaken Sovercome overcame overcome oversleep overslept overslept paid paid put put put十read read/red//ri:d/read /red/ride ...
However, for irregular verbs, the past participle versions must be memorized. For example, walked, talked, and shaved are the past participles of the verbs to walk, talk, and shave. In contrast, drunk, sat, and run are the past participles of the irregular verbs to drink, sit, and run...
Infinitive原形Simple Past过去式Past Participle过去分词 A arise arose arisen awake awoke/ awakened awoken B be was / were been bear bore born / borne beat beat beaten / beat become became become befall befell befallen begin began begun behold beheld beheld bend bent bent bet bet / betted bet...
1 Write the past simple / past participle of these verbs. (The past simple and past participle are the same for all the verbs in this exercise.,I make6 enjoy11 hear2 cut7 buy12 put3 get8sit13 catch4 bring9 leave14 watch5 pay10 happen15 understand ...
Past Participle 不定式(Infinitive)过去式(PastTense)过去分词(PastParticiple) 1.abide居住abode,abidedabode,abided 2.alight下车alighted,alitalighted,alit 3.awake唤醒awokeawoke,awaked 4.be是was,werebeen 5.bear忍受boreborne,born 6.beat击打beatbeaten 7.become变成becamebecome 8.befall发生befellbefallen...
Base verb Past tense Past participle cost cost cost cut cut cut hit hit hit put put put read read read build built built get got got/gotten have/has had had hear heard heard leave left left lose lost lost make made made meet met met say said said sell sold sold sit sat sat sleep ...
The perfect participle Exercises – Participles1.0× Today, Ella is running her first ever marathon. She’s been training for months and has done many practise races in preparation for the real thing. Feeling nervous, Ella approaches the start line with the other excited runners. The atmosphere...
Infinitive原形Simple Past过去式Past Participle过去分词 A arise arose arisen awake awoke/ awakened awoken B be was / were been bear bore born / borne beat beat beaten / beat become became become befall befell befallen begin began begun behold beheld beheld bend bent bent bet bet / betted bet...