《英语语法》 过去分词 Past Participle 《英语语法》过去分词感谢您下载包图网平台上提供的PPT作品,为了您和包图网以及原创作者的利益,请勿复制、传播、销售,否则将承担法律责任!包图网将对作品进行维权,按照传播下载次数进行十倍的索取赔偿!ibaotu.com PastParticiple It'sareallyoldcity _S__p_l_it_betweenthe...
participle- gram. a form of a verb that is used to indicate a past or present action and that can also be used like an adjective guardian angel- n. an angel believed to watch and protect someone or a helpful or protective person
It involves an if-clause (if I hadn't been very rich) and a result clause (I might have been a really great man) The if-clause is in the past perfect, and the result clause uses the structure helping verb + have + ...
Basically, the past tense is a true verb tense while the past participle is a verb-derived form that has three distinct uses. Since past participle verbs are not tenses, they can’t be used on their own.You need an auxiliary verbsuch as “have” or “had.” Because of this, the past...
1)knowledge aims Have a good command of the structure and usage of present perfect tense Understand the rules of Past Participle Know some important expressions of adverbial of time 2)ability aims Use present perfect tense in their daily communication 3)emotion aims Improve their group conscience ...
Hi Rebecca! Could you make a video in past participle. When and how to use it. Thank you. yllsa25 Rebeca, I like so much to hear you, you help me a lot… Fabrycia Thank you very much teacher amodi hello i am atheena i am just telling what are examples of regular verbs and ...
Past participle: runGerund: running Imperative run run Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011 run 1. A command to tell a computer to carry out a program. Can also imply loading, execution and output of a whole package. 2. Scored by a batter who progressively reaches ...
高中英语精品课件?Pastparticipleasobjectcomplement?第一页,共十六页。什么是宾语补足语?1Wethinhimcever 宾语宾补 heaidmademeangr 3Weconidertheanwercorrect 4EveronecahimTom 总结:宾语补足语是对进行补充说明,使句子 意思完整。宾语 第二页,共十六页。宾语补足语的表现形式:EWethinhimcever 宾语宾补 What...
[Middle English redempcioun, from Old French redemption, from Latin redēmptiō, redēmptiōn-, from redēmptus, past participle of redimere, to redeem; see redeem.] re·demp′tion·al, re·demp′tive, re·demp′to·ry (-tə-rē) adj. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Lang...
The word HAD plus the PAST PARTICIPLE OF THE VERB gave all the clarity. callmejames Hi Bek. I got confused with “complete” and “had completed”.In Q3 and Q5 Its both “complete” form is the correct answer.But,isn’t it the participle form there meant to be “had + Participle ...