Past modals of deduction商务英语语法.pdf,Using past modals of deduction We use modals of deductionto make guesses about something that happened inthe past. The modalswe choose show how certainwe are that something happened ordid not happen, based onwhat
内容提示: Using past modals of deductionWe use modals of deduction to make guesses about something that happened in the past.The modals we choose show how certain we are that something happened or did not happen,based on what we see and know.y Very probable mustProbable shouldPossiblemaymight...
PastModalsforDeduction 1.WhichsentenceisNOTacorrectsentence? Erinmayhavemissedthetrain. Erinmusthavemissedthetrain. Erincanhavemissedthetrain. 2.WhichsentenceisNOTgrammaticallycorrect? Hecan’thavegotlost! Josephmusthaveforgetabouttheparty. Imayhavelefttheformathome. 3.WhichsentenceCANNOTbeusedinreplytothe...
沪江英语提供Modals – deduction past情态动词——推论(过去时)、In the same way that we use modal verbs to say how certain we are about things in the present we can also use them to speculate about the past.我们用情态动词来表述对现在的确定程度,同样,我
英语句型推荐 Modals – deduction past情态动词——推论(过去时) 2017-05-22 In the same way that we use modal verbs to say how certain we are about things in the present we can also use them to speculate about the past.我们用情态动词来表述对现在的确定程度,同样,我们... ...
Modals – deduction past情态动词——推论(过去时) 今日限时秒杀:0基础直达CET-6【全额奖学金班】 免费定制英语学习规划>> 2024年英语考试日历>> 🌈超实用旅游口语,免费学>> 💐【免费】领取价值¥399外教1V1口语课 🌴12节课搞定48个国际音标,0元学>>...
沪江英语提供Modals – deduction past情态动词——推论(过去时)、In the same way that we use modal verbs to say how certain we are about things in the present we can also use them to speculate about the past.我们用情态动词来表述对现在的确定程度,同样,我
Modals – deduction past情态动词——推论(过去时) 今日限时秒杀:0基础直达CET-6【全额奖学金班】 免费定制英语学习规划>> 2024年英语考试日历>> 🌈超实用旅游口语,免费学>> 💐【免费】领取价值¥399外教1V1口语课 🌴12节课搞定48个国际音标,0元学>>...
Modals – deduction past情态动词——推论(过去时) 今日限时秒杀:0基础直达CET-6【全额奖学金班】
沪江英语提供Modals – deduction past情态动词——推论(过去时)、In the same way that we use modal verbs to say how certain we are about things in the present we can also use them to speculate about the past.我们用情态动词来表述对现在的确定程度,同样,我